The School

Dear student,



The Escuela de Lengua Española Universidad de Salamanca (ELE USAL) is a Spanish language school and a company that manages and supports the University of Salamanca’s Spanish language schools global system. Thus, ELE USAL Strasbourg bears the hallmark of the University of Salamanca in Spanish-language training and passes on the experience and quality of USAL international courses.



ELE USAL Strasbourg carries on the legacy of the University of Salamanca, which has nearly 800 years of history. In 1492, the USAL became the cradle of Spanish thanks to the publication of the first grammar of the Castilian language, written by Antonio de Nebrija. Since then, the University of Salamanca has worked very hard to promote the teaching of Spanish as a foreign language.



Today, ELE USAL Strasbourg combines the broad experience of the USAL, as a Spanish language university, with the most advanced teaching tools and methodologies. The school uses its own methodology and has textbooks created by the Department of Language and Literature of the University of Salamanca. Moreover, ELE USAL Strasbourg also has a personalized computerized management system developed by the USAL.



We hope we will see you at ELE USAL Strasbourg in the near future.

Spanish school with the excellence and quality of the University of Salamanca

Examination center of the Cervantes Institute (DELE, SIELE)

Training center for companies

Excellent location, near the city center